Home > Racing-Game


Racing-Game is a project mainly written in C++ and C, it's free.

Simple racing game written on C++ using Irrlicht engine.

To compile project you need to have installed:

Irrlicht (1.7.2) http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/

Newton Game Dynamics (2.29) http://newtondynamics.com/forum/downloads.php

Include path: "${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/src}" irrlicht/include newtonSDK/sdk newtonSDK/sdk/dMath

Libs: Irrlicht GL GLU pthread Newton dMath

Developed with Eclipse Indigo CDT

=BUILD You can try to build the project with usual GNU way but you'll have to specify all dependencies.

Build example: Type the following commands in console, please replace /home/alex/Programs/ with correct path in your system

mkdir build cd build ../configure \ --with-irrlicht-include=/home/alex/Programs/irrlicht-1.7.2/include \ --with-irrlicht-lib=/home/alex/Programs/irrlicht-1.7.2/lib/Linux \ --with-newton-include=/home/alex/Programs/newtonSDK/sdk \ --with-dmath-include=/home/alex/Programs/newtonSDK/sdk/dMath \ --with-dmath-lib=/home/alex/Programs/newtonSDK/sdk make make install

If everything goes right you'll have RacingGame folder inside your build directory you can try to run the game now :) RacingGame/RacingGame
