Home > radiant-calendar


Radiant-calendar is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, based on the MIT license.

Feature-rich Radiant CMS Extension that allows you to create an events calendar and display on a page

h1. Radiant CMS Calendar Extension

Note: This version has been updated for Radiant 0.9.x. If you have an older version, checkout the 0.8 branch.

h1. Features

  • Allows you to create an events calendar and display on a page
  • Ability to assign calendar events to categories
  • Mini-calendar widget
  • Month-view calendar with "Facebox" modal box to display event details
  • Export single or multiple events in ical format
  • iCal subscription to calendar

h1. Requirements

*Facebox* (included)

*jQuery* (included)

*Gems/Plugins* Search Logic, "git://github.com/thoughtbot/squirrel.git":git://github.com/thoughtbot/squirrel.git
Calendar Helper, "git://github.com/topfunky/calendar_helper.git":git://github.com/topfunky/calendar_helper.git
iCalendar, "http://icalendar.rubyforge.org":http://icalendar.rubyforge.org
Twelve Hour Time,"http://code.google.com/p/rails-twelve-hour-time-plugin":http://code.google.com/p/rails-twelve-hour-time-plugin

*Radiant Extensions* Shared-Layout, "http://github.com/radiant/radiant-share-layouts-extension":http://github.com/radiant/radiant-share-layouts-extension

h1. How to Install

Grab the extensions from GitHub and place it in vendor/extensions

  git clone git://github.com/scullygroup/radiant-calendar.git vendor/extensions/calendar

Run the following commands:

  rake radiant:extensions:calendar:migrate
  rake radiant:extensions:calendar:update

h1. How to Use

Reference the following in the head of your template:




Be sure to vendor Calendar Date Select and iCalendar in environment.rb

  config.gem "searchlogic", :lib => "searchlogic"
  config.gem  'icalendar'

This extension uses Sean Cribbs radiant-share-layouts-extension, "http://github.com/radiant/radiant-share-layouts-extension":http://github.com/radiant/radiant-share-layouts-extension

The main calendar view is wrapped in a block like so (in this example this wraps the full-calendar view):

<% content_for :main_calendar do %>

Likewise, a list-view of the main calendar is wrapped in a block like so:

<% content_for :calendar_list do %>

In order to invoke the full-calendar view on a Radiant page, create a layout called "Calendar" and insert the following radial tags wherever you want the calendar to appear:

Or for the list view:

To display the mini-calendar widget, use the following radial tag:

To display the filter-by-category widget:

To show your calendar, link to one of the following RESTful URL's

To show a list-view of the calendar


To show a traditional month-view of the calendar


In each case, :id is the current date supplied in the following format: 2009-10-02

Clicking a date in the mini-calendar widget will take you to the list-view of the calendar event. Also, filtering events by category will show the list view of the results.

Copyright (c) 2010 Scully Group, released under the MIT License
