Home > radiant-sass_grid-extension


Radiant-sass_grid-extension is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Sassifies the 960 grid system and makes its styles available as classes and as sass mixins.

Sass Grid

This is a very simple extension that sassifies the 960 grid system and makes its styles available both as classes and as sass mixins. Right now it's experimental but it ought to work.


Put this at the top of a sass file:

@import 960.sass

And then you can get grid styles in various ways. These have the same effect:

In html:

<div id="something" class="grid_6 prefix_1">...</div>

In sass:


Depending on which features of the system you use, you may also want your layout to bring in /stylesheets/ie960.css.


Nothing is actually required. If you want to use it with SnS you need my fork of the sns_sass_filter extension to get the include paths right, and you need to set the SnS.sass_directory config item to 'stylesheets/sass' (or just move the 960.sass file to somewhere else).

If you're using paperclipped, the migration included here will define a set of asset sizes like:

  • grid_6 matches the inner box size of a six column div, which is 460px
  • grid_6_square is the same but cropped square
  • grid_6_bg matches the outer box size of a six column div (which is 480px) and is suitable for using as a background where you want contained text to align with the grid.

If you're not using paperclipped, it'll define them anyway.


git submodule add git://github.com/spanner/radiant-sass_grid-extension.git vendor/extensions/960gs
rake radiant:extensions:sass_grid:update 


This should just work with radiant 0.9, but it requires a more recent version of sass than is included with radiant 0.8.1. You can make it work with a bit of careful tinkering:

# sudo gem install haml
# cd /path/to/radiant/gem
# rm -rf vendor/plugins/haml
# haml --rails .

This will replace the vendored haml with a stub that uses the gem instead and will always be up to date. There is no guarantee that this will not break something in radiant.

Bugs and comments

Github issues, please, or for little things an email or github message is fine.

Author and copyright

  • Copyright spanner ltd 2010.
  • Derived from the css in the 960 grid system, copyright Nathan Smith, released under GPL & MIT licenses.
  • Contact will at spanner.org