Home > rafixd


Rafixd is a project mainly written in C, it's free.

KAME's rafixd with portability enhancements

This program was initially developed by the KAME project.


The project can be found on Github (among other places):


The original BSD-only source on which this project is based is located here:


The program was initially ported to GNU/Linux by Eric Vyncke ([email protected]) in January 2008. It has since been updated by Gordon Stratton ([email protected]) to continue to build on modern GNU/Linux systems.

There are now two makefiles:

  • Makefile: the original makefile
  • Makefile.linux: a modified makefile for GNU/Linux

On a GNU/Linux system, you will use:

make -f Makefile.linux

and on BSD (maybe other?) systems, the usual 'make' should suffice.
