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Rails_is_forked is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Handles issues with forked Rails processes - DB connections, etc.

= rails_is_forked

Rails does not clear ConnectionPool and reestablish connections in Process.fork children:

puts "Parent: #{$$}: #{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.object_id}" fork { puts "Child: #{$$}: #{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.object_id}" } puts "Parent after fork: #{$$}: #{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.object_id}" Thread.new { puts "Thread: #{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.object_id}" }

Sample Output:

Parent: 27282: 153210860 Child: 29777: 153210860 Parent after fork: 27282: 153210860 Thread: 153076390

Note that Threads get their own connections, but subprocesses do not.

A ConnectionPool exists for each ActiveRecord::Base subclass that has been sent #establish_connection.

puts "Parent #{$$}: #{ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.object_id}" fork { puts "Child: #{$$}: #{ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.object_id}" } Thread.new { puts "Thread: #{ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.object_id}" }

Sample Output:

Parent 30003: 102371950 Child: 30053: 102371950 Thread: 102371950

Note that ConnectionPools are only unique per process.

Using rails_is_forked:

require 'rails_is_forked/rails' puts "Parent #{$$}: #{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.object_id}" fork { puts "Child: #{$$}: #{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.object_id}" } puts "Parent after fork: #{$$}: #{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.object_id}" Thread.new { puts "Thread: #{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.object_id}" }

Sample Output:

Parent 31583: 90260550 Child: 31627: 152197900 Parent after fork: 31583: 90260550 Thread: 151738880

== Strategy

The naive solution is #disconnect! all database connections at the beginning of each forked child process. However the child will likely send "termination commands" to a database handle that is still active in the parent.

The database handle's FD is shared between the parent process and its children; its resources are not likely to be reclaimed in the database server until all processes close() their FDs.

Another "portable" solution is to #disconnect! all the connections in the parent process before forking the children. This doesn't require digging deep into each and every database adapter. However this is likely to cause problems if the parent is in an active transaction when the child is forked.

At the risk of leaking memory and FDs in long running child processes, a safe solution is to "forget", not #disconnect!, all connections at the beginning of the forked child processes. The GC should eventually reap the ActiverRecord connection and the underlying handle, but may leave the FD still open, until the child process dies, because ActiveRecord connections and database handles do not have finalizers.

If a database handle has a finalizer and it sends "termination commands", forgetting connections in the child could still affect parent processes.

The correct solution is: close the FDs in the database handles and forget the connections in the child.

However, most database connection adapters and APIs do not provide mechanisms for:

  1. closing the low-level file descriptor (FD),
  2. resetting the database client library handle (ex: gem pg) without sending a "termination command" along the FD, as this is usually done in the database client code (see libpq sources for "X"),
  3. automatically reconnecting the database handle after the FD has been closed.

Database client handles should:

  1. have a notion of the "owning process id" of the handle.
  2. send "termination commands" only if the current process is the owning process.
  3. should have a "close" method, that simply closes its FD, but does not send "termination commands".
  4. should call "close" or "disconnect" on finalization, depending on if the handle is owned by the current process or not.

ActiveRecord connection objects should disconnect database handles on finalization.

For long-running child processes, it's probably best for the parent process to forcefully #disconnect! (and remove from their ConnectionPools) all its connections, before forking children and outside a transaction, to insure there are no connections leaked in the children. This can be done by calling ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.clear_all_connections! before Process.fork.

== Functionality

  • RailsIsForked::Rails ** Calls ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionPool#disconnect! for all instances in forked children. See ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.connection_pools.

== See Also

  • http://github.com/kstephens/ruby_is_forked

== Contributing to rails_is_forked

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
  • Fork the project
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2011 Kurt Stephens. See LICENSE.txt for further details.