Home > rails-jqgrid


Rails-jqgrid is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, based on the MIT license.

A plugin that is a simple interface to the jqGrid javascript widget.

Rails jqGrid

This is a rails plugin dedicated to the great jqGrid javascript widget. I had two rails concepts in mind when I created it, "DRY it up" and "Convention over configuration". I managed to get jqGrid to work with two lines of code ( one if you don't count the styling). A standard set of grid options has already been defined, so all you really need to do is give it a model. Enjoy :-)

Usage Instructions:

//For the grid theme <%= jqgrid_theme("theme-name") %> //For the grid <%= jqgrid(Model,[optional standard jqGrid options here])) %>

Example (The odd HTML is Hobo DRYML)


<%= jqgrid_theme("pepper-grinder") %> <%= jqgrid(Log,:fields =>"exercise_type,duration_in_mins,date") %>

======= Copyright (c) 2010 [name of plugin creator], released under the MIT license