Home > rails_multi_view_per_host


Rails_multi_view_per_host is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

Rails multiple views per host, proof of concept

Rails multi view per host

Given a request, depending on its host, the application should render a set of specific views.

Let's suppose that our domains in production are:

  • example1.com
  • test2.com
  • www.foodomain.com

In order to test with those domains in the development environment we have to add a prefix localhost. to the domains:

  • localhost.example1.com
  • localhost.test2.com
  • localhost.www.foodomain.com

Also you have to add them into your /etc/hosts file: localhost.example1.com localhost.test2.com localhost.www.foodomain.com

The way it works is as follow:

  • Each time a request is performed, a before filter set_site (maybe the first before_filter of your application), will check if the host is valid
  • If so, it will set the new view path, in which search for the view associated to the controller and the action
  • The layout of the action will be automatically picked up, but is very important to indicate it in the controller (as you can see at app/controllers/site_controller.rb line #3)

Now you can test the following URL's:

  • http://localhost.example1.com:3000/site/home
  • http://localhost.test2.com:3000/site/home
  • http://localhost.www.foodomain.com:3000/site/home

Javascripts, images and stylesheets

In order to do the same with the static resources, such as images, javascripts and stylesheets, it is possible to create a folder per host. For example:

     - image1.png
     - image1.png

<%= image_tag("images/domain1/image1.png") %>


<img src="/images/domain1/image1.png" />