Home > rails2314_rspec_plugin


Rails2314_rspec_plugin is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

Show a problem with rails 2.3.14, rspec 1.3.2 and plugins

This app is a stock Rails 2.3.14 app, with Bundler installed according to: http://gembundler.com/rails23.html

It's Gemfile contain a minimal set of gems (but also RSpec / Cucumber) for the tests.

In addition, there is one plugin "rails_history" - inherited from a really old, Rails 1.2.3 project.

Problem Description

If Rspec is specified in the Gemfile (as it is when checked in), the app doesn't run and dies because the "history" keyword (which is provided by the plugin) isn't loaded.

Disabling RSpec (by removing the :development group), makes the app start just fine