Home > rails3-amf-demo


Rails3-amf-demo is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, it's free.

Demonstration of fosrias/rails3-amf fork which ports legacy RubyAMF functionality to rails3-amf

The Flex and Rails 3 applications work with Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3.0.3 based on fosrias/rails3-amf fork which merges legacy RubyAMF mapping with rails3-amf. The only legacy mapping functionality not working are use_ruby_datetime and hash_key_access.

The only configuration items are found in config/rubyamf_config.rb and config/application.rb and new mapping functionality is in the models.

The gemfile is setup according to Atomic's comments on the rubyamf google group site.

In order to get this to work, you also need to replace the empty folder vendor/bundle/rails3-amf with fosrias/rails3-amf so that you get its most current version.

  1. For the rails app, modify db settings, create, migrate and seed the development database. That should be good to go.

  2. In the appflexMain.mxml file, modify _remoteObject.endpoint in "onComplete()" method as necessary and compile the flex app. You will likely have to update the output bin folder as well.

  3. Run the flex app. Click 'Update" to update the record.

Note: At the time of this demo release, there is a bug in awesome-nested-set that has a monkey patch in this app. If you try to rebuild from scratch and install the plugins, you will have an error that you will have to patch.

Also: There is a clear.sql script in the db folder of the rails app that you can use to quickly clear the database.
