Home > Rails3-appGenerator-Devise


Rails3-appGenerator-Devise is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Application Generator for Rails 3 App, with JavaScript Libraries Configurator, YUI, JQuery, RaphaelJS, Cufon, YUI Test Cases, etc

= JSlib Rails Application Template


Generates a Rails app; includes necessary JS Libraries from Google's CDN, Haml, RSpec, Cucumber, WebRat, Factory Girl ...

== Generating an Application

In Rails 3, navigate to your projects directory, and create a custom templates directory if you don't already have one

mkdir tmpls

Clone the template.rb file to your custom templates directory

git clone git://github.com/jessecravens/jslib-rails-template.git path_to_templates

Generate a new app named JSlibapp, or whatever you like

rails new JSlibapp -m path_to_templates/template.rb

Navigate to the new directory

cd JSlibapp

Start your server

rails s
