Home > rake-deploy


Rake-deploy is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Automated deploy and backup for Rails Application

RAKE Deploy

== Description

Simple RAKE tasks to manage code, data and files on a remote server over ssh.

Run any rake task on the remote server.

Made to scratch my own itch.

Author: Kris Leech ("[email protected]".reverse) Copyright: (c) 2009 Interkonect Services UK Limited License: GNU

== Installation ==

== Assumptions ==

Your using RubyOnRails You login in to the server with a ssh key Your using git, passenger and MySQL Your on POSIX operating system (tested on Ubuntu/Mac)

== Getting Started ==

Create deploy.yml in 'config' folder with server_environment settings (see example) rake server:setup rake server:deploy rake server:code:pull rake server:database:backup

NB: It would be wise to set 'pretend' to true and see what commands will be executed before running this on a live server

== Todo ==

Add a symlinked shared folder of non-versioned files (eg. user uploads)

== Alternatives ==

If you need multi-server deploys such as separate web, app & database servers you will need to use something like Vlad or Capistrano. However staging/development versions of sites don't usually have this requirement.

== License

This library is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) [http://dev.perl.org/licenses/gpl1.html]