Home > Rammbock-Erlang


Rammbock-Erlang is a project mainly written in Erlang, it's free.

Prototyping use of Erlang for asn.1 handling in Rammbock

Erlang prototyping for Rammbock.

To compile tools:

  1. Launch erlang shell


  2. compile c("percompile"). c("readfile").

To compile S1AP files:

  1. Load compiler l(percompile).
  2. Compile asn.1 specification set percompile:compile("s1apasn/S1AP.set.asn").

To decode a binary message:

  1. load the compiled S1AP module l('S1AP).
  2. load the readfile module l('readfile').
  3. read the binary message Bin = readfile:readfile("binaries/initiatingMessage.s1").
  4. decode 'S1AP':decode('S1AP-PDU', Bin).

For more information on Erlang asn.1 handling see http://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/asn1/asn1_ug.html and http://www.erlang.org/documentation/doc-5.2/lib/asn1-1.4/doc/html/asn1ct.html
