Home > Raphael.js-floating-bar-chart


Raphael.js-floating-bar-chart is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

A plugin for g.raphael that creates a floating bar chart

A floating bar chart plugin for raphael.js developed for one of our clients.

View test.html to see it in action.


r.g.floatingBarChart(x, y, width, height, [ {startPoint: -10, tallness: 15, gradientString: "135-#123-#321", name: "foo"}, {startPoint: 10, tallness: 12, gradientString: "135-#456-#654", name: "bar"}, {startPoint: 15, tallness: 6, gradientString: "135-#789-#987", name: "biz"}, {startPoint: 14, tallness: 10, gradientString: "135-#fff-#000", name: "baz"}, {startPoint: 16, tallness: 4, gradientString: "135-#169-#947", name: "fox"} ], { backgroundGradient: "90-#eee-#fff", gridHeight: 30, axisWidth: 20, axisFontSize: 10, chartFontSize: 10, chartFontMargin: 10, barsSideMargin: 20, barWidth: 30, fontFace: "Arial", fontSize: 12, fontLineHeight: 14 } );

// x, y: offset in pixels relative to the current paper instance // width, height: size of the chart. must be expressed as integer value, represents value in pixels. // values: array of bar items. an array item contains an object as: {startPoint: integer, tallness: integer, gradientString: string of gradient} // options: object containing options. Most notably: // options.backgroundGradient: string representing the gradient to use // options.gridHeight: integer representing the distance in pixels between two lines or two entries on the axis. Chart height MUST be divisible by this number. // options.axisWidth: integer representing the width in pixels of the axis // options.axisFontSize: integer representing the axis font size in pixels // options.chartFontSize: integer representing the font size used under the charts in pixels // options.chartFontMargin: integer representing margin of the font relative to the bottom of a bar and to the bottom of itself [basically margin-top, margin-bottom] // options.barsSideMargin: integer representing margin in pixels of the LEFT and RIGHT sides of the bar GROUP. think of all bars contained in a div, and apply a margin to that. // options.barWidth: integer representing the width of a bar in pixels
