Home > raptus.article.nesting


Raptus.article.nesting is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Provides nesting support for articles.


Manage where you will list your bottom articles. Disable your article for random fader or other listings.

The following features for raptus.article are provided by this package:


* Provides nesting support for articles


* archetypes.schemaextender
* raptus.article.core


To install raptus.article.nesting into your Plone instance, locate the file buildout.cfg in the root of your Plone instance directory on the file system, and open it in a text editor.

Add the actual raptus.article.nesting add-on to the "eggs" section of buildout.cfg. Look for the section that looks like this::

eggs =

This section might have additional lines if you have other add-ons already installed. Just add the raptus.article.nesting on a separate line, like this::

eggs =

Note that you have to run buildout like this::

$ bin/buildout

Then go to the "Add-ons" control panel in Plone as an administrator, and install or reinstall the "raptus.article.default" product.

Note that if you do not use the raptus.article.default package you have to include the zcml of raptus.article.nesting either by adding it to the zcml list in your buildout or by including it in another package's configure.zcml.


Add article

You may now add articles in your article. Click the "Add new" menu and select "Article" in the pull down menu. You get the standard plone form to add your article.


The following packages provide components to display contained articles:

* `raptus.article.listings <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/raptus.article.listings>`_
* `raptus.article.contentfader <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/raptus.article.contentfader>`_
* `raptus.article.contentflow <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/raptus.article.contentflow>`_
* `raptus.article.randomcontent <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/raptus.article.randomcontent>`_

Copyright and credits

raptus.article is copyrighted by Raptus AG <http://raptus.com>_ and licensed under the GPL. See LICENSE.txt for details.
