Home > rateable


Rateable is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

A simple gem for ajax rating

= Rateable

This is my own simple way to add ajax voting to a rails application.

== Installation

Add the Gem to your Gemfile

gem "glynx_rateable"

Then install the Gem

bundle install

=== Generating Files

After installing you should generate the needed files

rails generate rateable

=== Migrating

Then apply the migration to your Database

rake db:migrate

=== Includes

Add the "rateable.css" and "rateable.js" to the includes in your layout file

== Usage

=== Model

Add to the user model that should be able to rate things:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base is_rater end

Add to the model that should be rateable

class Model < ActiveRecord::Base is_rateable end

=== Controller

Add a rate action to the controller of the model that should be rateable, it should look like this:

def rate
  # Check if the current user has already voted
  if current_user and current_user.ratings.where(:rateable => @model).empty?
    @model.rate(current_user, params[:stars])
    render :partial => "rateable/rating", :locals => {:rating => @model.ratings.average("stars").to_i}                                                                    
    render :text => "You have already voted for this item!", :status => 500                                                                                                                           

=== Routes

Add a post action called "rate" to the resource in your "config/routes.rb"

resources :models do member do post :rate end end

=== Views

In your Views you can add the rating stars by adding:

<%= rating_for @model %>

You can also supply the url for the rate action manually, for example when using nested resources

<%= rating_for @model, :url => url_for([:rate, @category, @model]) %>

If there is no current_user method you can also supply your current user like this:

<%= rating_for @model, :user => @user %>
