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Rb_exist is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the LGPL-3.0 license.

This is a simple gem that provides an API around eXist-db.

= rb_exist

== Introduction

This is a simple gem that provides an API around eXist-db. It's inspired in the un-oficial Python support: pyexist. All the classes are contained inside the module Exist for obvious reasons. There are three important classes: ExistDB, XQuery and SimpleSQL.

In order to work, this gem requires the 'libxml-ruby' gem. Moreover, the Ruby interpreter version must be >= 1.9.x.

== ExistDB

ExistDB creates the connection with the eXist remote database. With this connection you can store and delete xml files and move/copy/rename them all over the server. Let's show an example:

db = Exist::ExistDB.new('localhost:8088/exist/rest/db', '/awesome') table = IO.read('users.xml') db.store 'users.xml', table db.rename 'users.xml', 'table.xml' db.delete 'table.xml'

First of all, we created a connection to a database located at localhost. Moreover, we are also telling to the ExistDB class that we want to access to a collection named 'awesome' located at the root directory of our database. After that, we read an xml file and stored it at the 'awesome' collection at the third line of code. Finally we renamed the xml file at the server and deleted it, thus leaving the collection clean.

== XQuery

Getting a connection is really important but it's quite useless if we cannot execute queries to the database. In order to do this, we are going to have a look to the XQuery class.

First of all, you should never create an XQuery instance by yourself. Instead of that, you should call the Exist::ExistDB#query instance method. Let's see an example:

db = Exist::ExistDB.new("myserver/db") table = IO.read(users.xml') db.store 'users.xml', table params = { :from => 'users' } xquery = <<-XQUERY let ${from}:=/db/{from} return for $u in collection(${from}) order by $u/name descending return $u/name XQUERY kuery = db.query xquery, params xml = kuery.execute db.delete 'users.xml' puts kuery.count

In the example above, we stored a table named users.xml, executed a query and finally deleted the xml file. As you can see, we first prepared the query by specifying some parameters and writing the query's code. In the query's code there are things like {from}. This means that before the execution, this {from} will be replaced by the value of the 'from' element from the 'params' hash. This gives us a lot of flexibility when writing new queries. After that, we only have to call the Exist::ExistDB#query instance method passing as parameters the query's code and the 'params' hash. Finally we can call the Exist::XQuery#execute instance method to execute the query. The result will be a response in xml format with the results of our query. Another important method is the Exist::XQuery#count instance method that gives us the number of matches that our query produced on its execution.

== SimpleSQL

This class is a subclass of the XQuery class and it's quite tricky. Its main objective is to provide methods to the programmer that imitate the SQL syntax. It's meant to be used for "pretty standard" queries such as selecting values from an xml file that meets some specific conditions, to insert a new node on the xml by considering this file as a table, etc. However, if you have to go beyond of that, in short, this is not the class you're looking for.

As for the XQuery class, it's not expected that you create an instance of the SimpleSQL class on your own. In order to do that, you have to call the Exist::ExistDB#simple_sql instance method. After calling this method you can execute multiple queries by taking the SQL's point of view.

The SimpleSQL class defines some methods that emulate the SQL syntax and each of these methods expect some very specific parameters to be passed in order to successfully be executed. These methods are: select, insert, update and delete. Read the documentation of each of this methods for further information.
