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Rbclutter is a project mainly written in C and RUBY, based on the LGPL-2.1 license.

Port of rbclutter to clutter 1.6

Ruby-Clutter -- Ruby bindings for Clutter-1.6.x

This is a set of bindings for the Clutter 1.6.x libraries for use from Ruby.

This particular branch was started in 2009 to add support for Clutter 1.0 to the Ruby bindings, which no longer appeared to be maintained (this is still apparently so in 2011). This isn't a complete port. Clutter-cairo, in particular, has been disabled, and some of the newer API may be missing (although I've been trying to add most of it).

This has been tested with Clutter 1.6 (at least as far as building goes).

Please note that there is another project on GitHub which has done the same, but has not ported the GStreamer bindings among other things. I haven't been arsed to properly merge them, if there's anything that it covers that I don't.



Note that you'll want the headers installed for Ruby Glib (from the Ruby GNOME2 project), including those for gstreamer and gtk (if you elect to use those components).

  1. ruby extconf.rb
  2. make
  3. su
  4. make install


To install the bindings the following is also needed:

  • Ruby ~> 1.8
  • Clutter ~> 1.6.x
  • Ruby-GNOME2 glib/gobject bindings

The optional clutter-gtk bindings depend on the Ruby GTK+ bindings, clutter-cairo depends on the Ruby cairo bindings, and clutter-gst depends on the Ruby gstreamer bindings. All of these are available from the Ruby GNOME2 project, at:



  • Examples are all broken
  • A systematic trip needed through the entire API to add anything missing
  • There are a lot of warnings, the results of both bugs and deprecations. They were hidden before because -Wall wasn't enabled.
  • Thanks to GIR, https://github.com/mvz/ruby-gir-ffi is probably going to entirely obsolete this before too long.

Here is my quick list of things that are (probably) missing. I might have marked some things that are internal by mistake:

action actor-meta animatable animator bezier ? binding-pool ? cairo-texture click-action clone deform-effect desaturate-effect colorize-effect offscreen-effect page-turn-effect blur-effect shader-effect device-manager drag-action effect event-translator ? fixed ? id-pool ? input-device interval ? master-clock ? paint-volume ? profile ? script-parser ? settings shader-types ? snap-constraint stage-window ? state table-layout timeout-interval ? timeout-pool ? units util

I imagine that this list from the original project is still mostly true:

There's a few issues to be aware of with this release:

  • There's no documentation, however the method names try to follow the same system as the Ruby GTK bindings so you can generally read the Clutter API documentation and guess the Ruby method. See this page for details: http://tinyurl.com/3btpoq

  • There's no way to implement an interface or override a GObject method in Ruby code yet. So for example, you can create a Ruby object that is a subclass of Clutter::Actor, register it as a new GType and create custom signals, but you can not implement the ClutterContainer interface.

  • There are bindings for clutter_threads_enter and clutter_threads_leave but you shouldn't need to call these functions if you are just using regular Ruby threads. Ruby does not use native threads so there is no need to lock Clutter. If you do try to grab the Clutter lock in two separate Ruby threads then the process will block forever because Ruby will not be given a chance to switch threads while waiting for clutter_threads_enter to complete. It can however be used in combination with another library that may create native threads.

  • The effect functions can't take a callback block for when the effect is complete, even though the C API has a parameter for it. I'm hoping Clutter will eventually get a GDestroyNotify parameter for the effect functions which would make this a lot easier.

  • Clutter::init isn't explictly called for you when you execute 'require "clutter"'. That way you can optionally use your own argument array instead of ARGV. However, there appears to be a problem wrapping clutter-gst before gst_init is called, so if you execute 'require "clutter_gst"' it will explicitly call clutter_gst_init.