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Spill is a project mainly written in C, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

spill is a program for creating set of symbolic links from one directory hierarchy which point to corresponding filenames in a separate directory hierarchy.

spill - segregated package install logical linker

spill is a program for creating set of symbolic links from one directory hierarchy which point to corresponding filenames in a separate directory hierarchy. It's primary use is to allow packages built from source to be installed in separate directory trees, which are all linked together under a common directory tree (e.g. /usr/local) to reduce the length of the PATH environment variable. An example might be:

% tar xzvf foobar-0.1.tar.gz % cd foobar-0.1 % ./configure --prefix=/app/foobar/0.1-1 % make ... % sudo make install % sudo spill /app/foobar/0.1-1 /usr/local %