Home > RDX


RDX is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the MIT license.

an ORM for node.js - still under development


A simple ORM for Node.js. Currently only supports mysql-libmysqlclient: https://github.com/Sannis/node-mysql-libmysqlclient


Here is some example usage using the test database present in tests/fixtures/db_schema.sql:

var rdx = require('rdx') var cfg = { adapter: 'mysql-libmysqlclient', host: "localhost", database: "test", };

var cp = new rdx.ConnectionPool(cfg); var User = new rdx.Model(cp, 'users'); var Collection = new rdx.Model(cp, 'collections'); var Item = new rdx.Model(cp, 'items');

User.toMany('collections', Collection, Collection.fields["user_id"]); Collection.belongsTo('user', Collection.fields["user_id"], User); Collection.toMany('items', Item, Item.fields['collection_id']); Item.belongsTo('collections',Item.fields["collection_id"], Collection);

u = User.create({email: "a@b", user_type: 0}, false) u.destroySync()

u = User.find("1", false) u.collections.findOne(false).user.findOne(false) u = User.where('id = 1').findOne(false);

User.find("1", function(err, res) { console.log(res); });

u.collections.where("name like '%book'").all(function(err, res) { console.log(res); })


Here is how you can install RDX:

npm install rdx


Contributions to this project are most welcome, so feel free to fork, improve and submit pull requests. The test suite requires nodeunit https://github.com/caolan/nodeunit and can be run using the command

 node test.js


  • Add tests for object creation, updation, deletion, etc.
  • Better error handling
  • SQL escaping, improve where clause