Home > reconnoiterer


Reconnoiterer is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

A notification system to alert you to changes at a URL


A simple command line application that wraps the Outpost gem.

This application allows you to monitor websites and alerts you to certain conditions about the site, such as the response code return or the body contains a certain string. It uses Growl to popup a notification, so make sure you have Growl set to allow remote application registration. Eventually I will switch to use the tools as autotest-growl and allow popups to work with Windows and Linux. Hopefully you can still test the app without growl on your system.

To run the code git clone https://github.com/coreypurcell/Reconnoiterer

bundle install

ruby bin/recon

Input a url that you would like to fetch.


Select a condition to check

1 # to check if the site returns a 200

Outpost will then check if the site is up

SMS Notifications

Sign up for Twilio to send SMS and setup your accout. Copy the twilio.yaml.example file and add your credentials.

cp twilio.yaml.example twilio.yaml