Home > redis-mock-py


Redis-mock-py is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Python mock class for the redis-py library


A Python mock library for the redis-py client.

Note: This module is not thread safe Currently only a few Redis sorted set commands are supported (ZADD, ZRANGE, ZRANGEBYSCORE, ZREVRANGE, ZREVRANGEBYSCORE) I will be adding more commands in the future. If you want more commands added, send me a message via github (username: dhui).


To start using the Redis mock, you'll need to add the following imports: import mock import redis_mock

Then in your setUp() function in your unit test class, call: redis_mock.flush_db()

In any of your test functions that use the redis-py library, add the decorator: @mock.patch.object(redis.Redis, 'execute_command')

That same test function must take the argument: mock_execute_command

Inside that same test function, set mock_execute_command's side effect: mock_execute_command.side_effect = redis_mock.execute_command

Example: class TestSuite(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): redis_mock.flush_db()

@mock.patch.object(redis.Redis, 'execute_command')
def simple_test(self, mock_execute_command):
    mock_execute_command.side_effect = redis_mock.execute_command