Home > redmine_icalendar_export


Redmine_icalendar_export is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Redmine ICS Export Plug-in (aka redmics)

= redmine_icalendar_export (redmics)

ICalendar (ICS) view of issue- and version-deadlines.

== Licence

GPL v2

== Requirements

This plug-in requires icalendar >= 1.1.5 (http://icalendar.rubyforge.org/).

Further, a the hook view_calendars_show_bottom needs to be present in app/views/calendars/show.html.erb. The hook is not yet in Redmine core, a patch can be found in extra/. If you want this hook in Redmine Core to avoid patching your Redmine, please vote for it here: http://www.redmine.org/issues/6586

== Implementation details

Issues are exported as VEVENT-items with their due-date as the event date. The same applies to versions. Unassigned issues have the status TENTATIVE.
