Home > redmine_pureftpd_user


Redmine_pureftpd_user is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the ISC license.

This Redmine plugin maintains a table with pureftpd compatible users.

h1. Redmine Pureftpd User

This is a plugin for "Redmine":http://www.redmine.org that maintains a separate user table with passwords encrypted by crypt(3).

That table can be queried by pureftpd.

h2. Installing

Run +script/plugin install git://github.com/bytemine/redmine_pureftpd_user+

Run +rake db:migrate_plugins+

Restart your web server

h2. Usage

The plugin will transparently maintain the extra table.

Just point pureftpd to the +pureftpd_users+ table.

h2. Example pureftpd configuration

Here's an example pureftpd-mysql.conf:

MYSQLSocket     /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
MYSQLUser       ftpuser
MYSQLPassword   insertyourpassword
MYSQLDatabase   your_redmine_database
MYSQLCrypt      crypt
MYSQLGetPW      SELECT password FROM pureftpd_users WHERE username="L"
MYSQLDefaultUID 1000
MYSQLDefaultGID 1000
MYSQLGetDir     SELECT "/ftp"

Hint: Don't use your rails user to access the Redmine database.

Create a pureftpd user who can only access the pureftpd_users table.

GRANT SELECT ON your_redmine_database.pureftpd_users TO 'ftpuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'insertyourpassword';

h2. Caveats

Since it's not possible to decrypt Redmine's user passwords (which is good), it's not possible to create pureftpd users for existing user accounts.

You have to change the user's password to create a pureftpd user.

h2. TODO

  • Add tests!
  • Locked users shouldn't be able to login via ftp.

h2. License

See LICENSE file.

h2. Author

Bernd Ahlers [email protected]
