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Exercises from Kevin Rutherfords Refactoing in Ruby

Home of the code samples for the Ruby Refactoring Workbook.

To download the code in Zip or Tar format, visit http://github.com/kevinrutherford/rrwb-code/downloads.

= Code smells == Measureable smells Comments the code includes text to explain what’s happening Long Method, a method is too long to be manageable Large Module, a class or module is too large to represent a meaningful abstraction Long Parameter List, a method needs too much information in order to get its job done

== Unnecessary Complexity Dead Code, some code is unused Speculative Generality, code exists “just in case” Greedy Method, a method has more than one responsibility Procedural Code, code proceeds step by step Dynamic Code Creation, class_eval and friends are used to create code at run-time

== Names Type Embedded in Name, names are coupled to types Uncommunicative Name, a name doesn’t reveal the developer’s intentions Inconsistent Names, domain vocabulary isn’t standardized

== Duplication Derived Value, a hard-coded value could have been computed instead Repeated Value, a hard-coded value is repeated Duplicated Code, code has been copied Alternative Modules with Different Interfaces, the same problem has been solved more than once

== Conditional logic Nil Check, nil is used to signal something special Special Case, one scenario is handled differently than the rest Complicated Boolean Expression, the logic is impenetrable Control Coupling, the caller decides which path a method should take Simulated Polymorphism, duck-typing is hand-coded using conditionals

== Data Open Secret, domain concept’s representation hasn’t been encapsulated, eg String representing phone number Data Class, class has little or no behavior Data Clump, bunch of values travel around together Temporary Field, instance variable has a different lifecycle than its enclosing class

== Inheritance Implementation Inheritance, subclassing is used purely to reuse code Refused Bequest, a subclass isn’t substitutable for its superclass Inappropriate Intimacy (Subclass Form), a subclass is tangled up in its superclass’s implementation details Lazy Class, a class doesn’t do much

== Responsibility Feature Envy, an object references another object more often than it references itself Utility Function, a method has no dependency on the state of the instance. Global Variable, a global variable is used Inappropriate Intimacy (General Form), a class depends on implementation details of another class Message Chain, a method digs into the structure of another group of objects, aka train wreck Middle Man, an object merely delegates to another Greedy Module, a class or module has more than one responsibility Shotgun surgery, one change must be made accross many classes

== Accomodating change Divergent Change, module changes too frequently (changing the same module for different reasons) Shotgun Surgery, a simple change causes changes everywhere Parallel Inheritance Hierarchies, changes to one hierarchy must mirror changes to another Combinatorial Explosion, a class hierarchy has too many dimensions

== Libraries Incomplete Library Module, a library has a vital feature missing Reinvented Wheel, you’ve written code that already exists elsewhere Runaway Dependencies, unexpected dependencies emerge when reuse is attempted

= Refactorings == Replace Parameter with Method Don't pre-calcuate method arguments, instead perform calculation in method body

== Preserve Whole Object Pass in object instead of its attributes

== Introduce Parameter Object. Group parameters into an object, eg start/end date => date_range

== Form Template Method You have two methods in subclasses that perform similar steps in the same order, yet the steps are different.

Get the steps into methods with the same signature, so that the original methods become the same. Then you can pull them up.