Home > referrer-tracker


Referrer-tracker is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

This gem tracks, the url referrers coming to landingpage.


This plugin tracks the source of the traffic for you and also tracks the conversations happening in your rails project.


In referrer_tracker.yml file in cofig directory -

track1: actions: "home#index home#dashboard" #These actions will be tracked - with first as landingpage and second as dashboard page. conversion: true #if set to true, this will track the conversions. conversion_rate: true #if set to true, this will also save landingpage hits, based on which conversion_rate can be calculated. referreral_parameter: sr # on successfull converstion it will credit ?sr= parameter as source. If left null, credit will be given to url, the user came from.


Install the gem as -

gem install referrer_tracker

Then run the migrations using -

rake db:migrate:rt_setup

This way, it will create a table in your database named - referrer_track.

Then add a referrer_tracker.yml file inside the config directory and add the configuration as shown in above example.

Copyright (c) 2011 [name of plugin creator], released under the MIT license Webonise Software Solutions.