Home > Reindent


Reindent is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Reindent a complete file based on indent information taken out of indent file.

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=633

If you like well formatted files use this plugin to chage the indention of a complete file.

Annotations: The indention information is taken out of the VIM Indent-files. This script processes them in a little different way than vim itself, therefore it is possible that the indent-functions have to be rewritten before they work. This script tries to rewrite the indent functions automatically (during this a file "reindent.tmp" will be created in your current working directory). There may be indent functions out there that don't work with this script because they are too complex to be rewriten automatically with my code.


  • A indent function has to exist for your current file (indentexpr is set)
  • Your current working directory has to be writable if Indent-function has to be rewritten.


  1. Copy this file to your plugin directory
  2. start vim with i.E. a HTML-File
  3. Hit R (If you don't know what is read :help leader or press R to reindent). If using menus you will find a new menu item "Reindent" in menu "Syntax".
  4. Customize the Keystroke with an Entry in your .vimrc i.E.: map ff reindent " call reindent by pressing ff