Home > reject_if


Reject_if is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

bug #6227 about reject_if apparently not being honoured


A sample application to illustrate bug #6227 about reject_if apparently not being honoured.

How to reproduce

  1. Go to /users/new and create a new user. You'll notice that here, if you leave the contact field blank, it will be rejected.
  2. Now, suppose you've created /user/1, go do /user/1/edit and clear the contact field.
  3. Submit. You'll notice that the contact field is left untouched.

Added some rspec tests

$ rspec spec


  1) User when updated should reject blank contact information
     Failure/Error: lambda do
       count should not have changed, but did change from 0 to 1
     # ./spec/models/user_spec.rb:14

Finished in 0.15251 seconds
2 examples, 1 failure


I misunderstood the purpose of reject_if, as I thought that if a record is rejected, then it would be deleted from the database too.
