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Relatable is a project mainly written in SHELL and RUBY, it's free.

= Relatable

A Rails gem for emulating a triple store.

== Install

  1. gem install relatable.
  2. rails g migration sourcable_id:integer sourcable_type:string sourcable_action:string targetable_id:integer targetable_type:string targetable_action:string
  3. rake db:migrate

== Usage

Include this gem in all models that will participate in the relation:

include Relatable

In the 'Association' model add:


To initially set a class-level associations (has_many) for each model add:

...in the source model

acts_as_association , :as => :sourcable

...in the target model

acts_as_association , :as => :targetable

Associations can be altered and defined at runtime, which is the original motivation for developing this gem. For example:

source_model = Foo.new target_model = Bar.new association = Association.new source_model.instance_acts_as :forward_association, :as => :sourcable target_model.instance_acts_as :reverse_association, :as => :targetable

source_model.forward_association association target_model.reverse_association association

This creates a triple store in Association. All instances of source_model can be obtained with:


You can dynamically alter the association, so, for example:

source_model.instance_acts_as :anything_i_want, :as => :targetable source_model.anything_i_want association

The above will alter the association correspondingly.

All associations can be obtained through Association.all.
