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ReLightVC is a project mainly written in PHP, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

A super lightweight PHP framework

About reLightVC

reLightVC is a port of Anthony Bush's LightVC PHP Framework (http://www.lightvc.org/). The original framework hasn't had a new release since 2008.

The planned changes for reLightVC are:

Todo List Before reLightVC is Useful

To Do

* Refactor the AppController / AppView classes
* create a JSON only Controller
* add in PHPUnit tests for all parts
** includes making a base class for testing the framework
* add in a lightweight bootstrapping system
* improve the documentation
* change default layout to HTML5 (boilerplate?)
* make sure rewriting to use index.php works with apache
* change the HttpRequest->getParams() to not create a get, post, files array
** i don't see much value in doing it this way. it is fine to just pull from $_REQUEST
** this means updating all the $params['get'], $params['post'], $params['files'] code everywhere... :
* get rid of all the @ that hide warnings, notices and errors
* make it so static pages can be referenced like, http://domain.tld/about
** basic remove the http://domain.tld/page/about requirement
** also make page/home.php to page/default.php
* redo the configuration system
** YAML based, builds an array hierarchy
** Add in a caching layer, parse once, using APC Cache
* Add in environment modes: Default, Development, Production, Testing
** config system should have an easy way of separating each environment

Possible ToDo
  • lightweight clone of Zend's Request/Response singleton model

Done, but probably buggy

* add in a class autoloader
** It's 2011, include() or require() is so 2009
* change routing so it does not expect url=? for rewriting
** rewrite everything to index.php, which can figure out what to use
** a real front controller pattern
* make sure rewriting to use index.php works with NGINX + php fpm