Home > RemoteCommand


RemoteCommand is a project mainly written in Shell, it's free.

A bash script that runs remote commands locally

Hello and Welcome to RemoteCommand. A very simple BASH script to run commands to multiple machines from one box.

To get started I would set up a user on each remote machine. If you are using CentOS you would run this as Root:

[[email protected] ~]$ /usr/sbin/adduser -d /home/user_name -m -s /bin/bash user_name && passwd user_user

Next, log out and go back to the box with RemoteCommand on it and do this:

[user_name@deploybox ~]$ ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/id_rsa.pub cluster01.lax.example.com

You can then run RemoteCommand.bash:

chmod +x RemoteCommand.bash ./RemoteCommand.bash