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Cato is a project mainly written in ..., based on the Apache-2.0 license.

Cloud Automation & Technology Orchestration

Cloud Sidekick Cato


The Cato automation toolkit consists of 3 major components: webserver, database and task engine. Cato users can create automation routines through the web interface which are stored in a MySQL database. The automation routines are executed by the services component.

Repository and Download


To download source:

wget -O cato.tar.gz https://github.com/cloudsidekick/cato/tarball/master

Bug and Feature Requests



Cato requires the following major components to be installed and operational prior to installation. See the README files in the database, web and services directories for specific details and tips for configuration.

Linux, MySQL 5.1+, Apache, mod_mono, Tcl 8.5+


To build Cato from source, see the README files in the web and services directories.

  1. To download source and unpack tarball, perform the following commands:

    wget -O cato.tar.gz https://github.com/cloudsidekick/cato/tarball/master tar -xvzf cato.tar.gz cd cloudsidekick-cato-*

  2. View the README file in web and perform the web build instructions

    cd web vi README

  3. View the README file in services and perform the services build

    cd services vi README


After performing the web and services build, see the INSTALL file in this directory.