Home > Responsive-Ecologies


Responsive-Ecologies is a project mainly written in C++ and C, it's free.

Code from the Responsive Ecologies exhibition. Using overhead motion capture and 4 channels of video projection, users are invited to interact in an immersive cinematic environment. This code was developed for the installation in Waterman's

Using overhead motion capture and 4 channels of video projection, users are invited to interact in an immersive cinematic environment.

This code was developed for the installation in Waterman's Art Centre, London, UK, where artists captincaptin and Parag K Mital have been collaborating to install their piece, "Responsive Ecologies" for their residency during December 2010 and January 2011. The work occurs as part of a larger on-going collaboration with ZSL London Zoo and the Musion Academy.

Built on of061 OSX.

More information at: http://captincaptin.co.uk http://pkmital.com