Home > Resque-Job-Verifier


Resque-Job-Verifier is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

This buildup returns a list of active, inactive and failed jobs based on a particular given set.

Resque Job verifier for polling requests

Please note these file are heavily inspired by Defunkt's Resque demo files.

This buildup returns a list of active, inactive and failed jobs based on a particular given set.


rackup config.ru  (site will be available by default at:
rake resque:work QUEUE=*

How it works

Create a new job

hotel_id = (rand * 5).round # id of used db (will be stored in hotel_[hotel_id])

params = various_job_params
params[:job_id] = (rand * 1000).round # only param required
params[:type] = 'image_upload'

Job.enqueue(hotel_id, params)

These two are pretty straightforward. They return all job tasks for a specific hotel_id:

Job.get_active(3).to_json # ["11", "33", ... ]
Job.get_failed(3).to_json # ["22", "44", ... ]

This one will be useful for a js poller. Basically it's a join of previous methods and returns also inactive.

req_jobs = ["11","33","44","884", ...]
Job.get_stats(req_jobs, 3).to_json

# {"884":"inactive","33":"active","44":"failed","11":"active", ... }

Other info

Querying could be improved, especially while retrieving failed jobs. Would be nice to add manually to db list of successful jobs.
