Home > ri-viewer


Ri-viewer is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.


This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3621

ri-viewer.vim looks up ruby document directories with a keyword such like class name or method.

You can retrieve details of class Object with bellow command:

:Ri Object

and a method detail

:Ri Object#help :Ri Object.help

If you want to look up documents included in specified dirs such like rubygems, home, try to bellow sub command:

:RiCore :RiGem :RiHome

RiCore retrieves ri documents included from /rubylib/system and /rubylib/site. RiGem retrieves from rubygems and RiHome does it from your home dir(~/.ri).

You can also get all classes and modules list:


Also documents directories:
