Home > ri.widget


Ri.widget is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

Web Widget for Searching the Research Inventory

The Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Research Inventory (RI) - http://ri.ijc.org/

RI Widget - Widget to search the Research Inventory's list of projects

  1. Using the Research Inventory Widget ========================================

A full, simple example use of the RI widget can be found in snippet.html. The short and sweet of it is:


This will wipe out the contents of the DOM element with id "ri-widget" and replace it with a search form. When submitted, this form will pop up a search results box, hover over top of other content. The widget itself will respect the width constraints imposed by its parent (the element with id "ri-widget" in this case).

For a more complex example, consider we wish to make the following changes:

  • Use custom CSS that overrides the colours (a "theme")
  • Completely hide the widget when printed
  • Display 8 results, instead of the default 5
  • Use a different "close" image (at top right of result box)

For this we'll need to pass in some "options" to the ri.widget call. They are called options because they are precisely that, optional. The actual options themselves are given as an object, where the properties correspond to the options we're overriding. In this example, we would call ri.widget using something similar to this:

<script type="text/javascript> ri.widget(document.getElementById("ri-widget"), { items: 8, stylesheets: ri.widget.settings.stylesheets.concat([ { href: "/css/ri-widget-theme.css" }, { href: "/css/ri-widget-print.css", media: "print" } ]), images: { close: { url: "/images/my-close.png", w: 30, h: 30, trans: true, alt: "X" } } });

A working example can be found at: http://ri.ijc.org/widget/snippet.html

  1. Supported Browsers =========================================================

Every effort is made to be as cross-platform as possible. However, only the following browsers are used during testing:

  • Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 (Windows only)
  • Firefox 3 and 3.5 (Linux and Windows)
  • Opera 10 (Linux and Windows)
  • Safari 4 (Windows only)
  • Google Chrome (Windows only)

Known issues with browser support:

  • MSIE "quirks mode" is NOT supported. Please ensure your page has a DOCTYPE.

  • The widget has rounded borders on Firefox, Safari, and Chrome (and any other browser that supports border-radius, or the corresponding mozilla or webkit vendor extensions). I think it looks nice and hope to add support for IE and Opera soon.

  • Currently, browser sniffing is done to fix PNG transparency issues in MSIE 6.

  1. Building the Script ========================================================

While the script can be used in its un-merged and un-minified state, it is not recommended for a production web site (the merged, minified version is less than 1/3 the size of the un-minifed version). The source includes a Makefile that can be used to minify both ri.query and ri.widget and then merge them. However, it does require the YUI JS Compressor, so this must be installed first. After it is installed, you must edit the variable YUICOMPRESSOR at the the top of the Makefile and point it to the path of the YUI Compressor JAR file. After this, simply run


in the source directory and you should have 3 new files:

ri.query-min.js ri.widget-min.js ri.widget-VER.js (VER is replaced with the current version, eg. 1.0)

The file ri.widget-VER.js is the combined, minified file.

  1. Further Help? ==============================================================

If you have any questions or need any help, please feel free to contact me at:

[email protected]
