Home > riak-jscouch


Riak-jscouch is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and SHELL, it's free.

JSCouch examples done with Riak

JSCouch examples done with Riak

I wanted to experiment with using MapReduce on Riak, and I found the JSCouch examples to be an excellent learning tool for learning how to do MapReduce for CouchDB (using client-side JavaScript only).


So, as a learning exercise, I tried to re-implement the same basic queries, but using Riak.

I used the official JavaScript/jQuery client library from the Riak source code (in client_lib/javascript).

I've included files from jQuery, Riak, and JSCouch, all licensed under their respective licenses. The stuff I created is released into the Public Domain.

To run:

1) Make sure Riak is running at

2) Then run


This will populate Riak with the riak-jscouch files.

3) Point your web browser at:

From here, you can try out the original JSCouch, and then try the equivalent queries on Riak.

Note: This was just a learning exercise, and I do not possess a complete knowledge of the correct way to do things Riak-style, so I may not have built the queries in the best or most correct way. If you see something I did wrong, or that could be done better, send an email to [email protected] or @jimpick on twitter or identica.


  • Jim