Home > ripl-profiles


Ripl-profiles is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

This ripl plugin adds a --profile option to ripl that loads profile files in ~/.ripl/profiles before starting ripl

== Description This {ripl}[https://github.com/cldwalker/ripl] plugin adds a --profile option to ripl that loads profile files in ~/.ripl/profiles/ before ripl starts.

== Install Install the gem with:

gem install ripl-profiles

== Usage

Add to your ~/.riplrc

require 'ripl/profiles'

You can now call

ripl --profile colors

which will try to load ~/.ripl/profiles/colors.rb before starting ripl. You can change the profile path with Ripl.config[:profiles_prefix].

Multiple profiles can be separated with : .

To specify which profiles should always get loaded, you can use the Ripl.config[:profiles_base] array.

You can also set a default profile with Ripl.config[:profiles_default], which will only be loaded, if no profile option has been passed.
