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Scripts is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Some handy bash scripts

A project with some handy scripts that can be used from a bash command line. Each script should be added to the path by moving it into one of the active bin folders. An example of such a folder would be /usr/local/bin on most unix system.

Do this as follows on Linux as super user:

cp scripts/myscript /usr/local/bin

where myscript is the script that you're copying.

Then give executable priviledges:

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/myscript

You should now be able to execute this in any terminal that you open.

I have a created a folder for each script, or set of scripts.

Have fun!!!

Here are specific instructions for the individual scripts / sets of scripts:


  1. gred

Used for invoking a text editor of choice on a Grails project from the command line.

Ensure that you have the following line in your .bashrc file: export EDITOR="/path/to/editor"

Now change to the directory of your project: cd myproject

By simply entering the command, you will receive the following help:

Usage: gred [options] options: -tests : open all unit and itegration tests. -unit : open unit tests -integration : open integration tests -int : open integration tests -builder : open test object builders -controller : open controller -service : open all services -views : open all .gsp files for domain class -reports : open all test reports

An example of using the script: Having a User domain class with unit and integration tests in your Grails project, you can open gedit on all the related artifacts by simply typing:

gred user -all

If you only wanted to see the integration test, you could type:

gred user -integration or simply gred user -int

It is also noteworthy that the name of the domain class can be written in a case-insensitive way for convenience.

  1. griffed

Used for invoking a text editor of choice on a Griffon project from the command line.

Ensure that you have the following line in your .bashrc file: export EDITOR="/path/to/editor"

Now change to the directory of your project: cd myproject

By simply entering the command, you will receive the following help:

Usage: griffed [options] options: -controller : open controller -view : open view -model : open model -service : open service -tests : open all unit and itegration tests. -unit : open unit tests -integration : open integration tests -int : open integration tests -builder : open test object builders -reports : open all test reports -all : open all artifacts for the group

An example of using the script: Having a MyGroup with unit and integration tests in your Griffon project, you can open gedit on all the related artifacts by simply typing:

griffed mygroup -all

If you only wanted to see the integration test, you could type:

griffed mygroup -integration or simply griffed mygroup -int

It is also noteworthy that the name of the group can be written in a case-insensitive way for convenience.
