Home > Roll-Your-Own


Roll-Your-Own is a project mainly written in Python, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

Frameworks for hand rolled Django applications. See documentation at http://readthedocs.org/projects/willhardy/roll-your-own/

Roll Your Own is a series of frameworks that help Django developers have their perfection by rolling their own apps instead of plugging someone else's. Each framework promotes customised, modular and efficient ecommerce apps.


* use frameworks and tools, not apps
* write highly customised apps/sites
* live only in the now, write for today's requirements
* avoid using apps that have fixed opinions/decisions
* developer free to have/make their own opinions/decisions 

Django itself does exactly that, but many of the "reusable apps" that are developed on top of django don't continue this philosophy

Commerce Framework (rollyourown.commerce)

A framework to help caluclate totals for financial statements and organise self rolled applications that do this.
