Home > rolls_royce


Rolls_royce is a project mainly written in C++ and C, it's free.

second project for ICG

Project "Rolls"

This is the second project for the "Introduction to Computer Graphics" module.

Mission statement: Create an advertisment for Rolls Royce Motor Cars

version control: git build system: waf issue tracking: trac

Notes on compiling


  • MinGW g++
  • freeglut binaries and headers for MinGW
  • waf
  • boost headers
  • libboost_regex_gcc-1_45.a

This project uses waf as a build system. waf is simply a Python script, included with this distribution. To build the project, change to the folder containing the waf file, and run the following commands:

python waf configure python waf Then the building process should start.

Since 0.4, the application needs boost. The path to boost is hard-coded in wscript and should be changed accordingly.

Since 0.4.1, the libboost_regex_gcc-1_45.a library is used, so lib paths were adjusted in wscript. IMPORTANT: the boost distribution does not include binaries, so libboost_regex_gcc-1_45.a must be compiled and placed in a folder which is searched by the compiler for lib files.