Home > romp


Romp is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

A Stomp client library for Ruby.

= romp

Romp is a lightweight {Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol}[http://stomp.codehaus.org/Protocol] client for Ruby. Stomp is a text-based wire format that lets clients communicate through a variety Stomp message brokers, providing interoperable, cross-language messaging.

== Getting started

Install a {stomp broker}[http://stomp.codehaus.org/Brokers] and start it up. Both {StompServer}[http://stompserver.rubyforge.org] and {CoilMQ}[http://code.google.com/p/coilmq] don't seem to handle ack:auto correctly, so I've been testing with {HornetQ}[http://jboss.org/hornetq].

git clone git://github.com/jmesnil/hornetq-stomp.git cd hornetq-stomp ant server

== Usage

require 'romp'

r1 = Romp.new("localhost", 61613) r2 = Romp.new("localhost", 61613)

r1.with_connection(:login => "foo", :password => "password") do r1.send("foo", :destination => "/queue/a") r1.send("bar", :destination => "/queue/a") end

r2.with_connection(:login => "bar", :password => "secret") do r2.subscribe(:destination => "/queue/a") puts r2.receive.body # => foo puts r2.receive.body # => bar end

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2010 Justin Balthrop. See LICENSE for details.