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Romper is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

The romper.js JavaScript library is intended to be an Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) between JavaScript object instances and the HTML5 Web Storage specification.

Currently in development. It's recommended that this be used with Google's Chromium browser, which offers a JavaScript console and an interface to Web Storage DB tables.

Example usage:

// create a JavaScript function declaration var Animal = function(name, type, words){ // must set this property as DB table name this._db_table = 'animals';

// declare fields
this.name = name;
this.type = type;
this.words = words;

// finally, call this to create table if
// it doesn't exist already.


// then call this function Romper.romperfy(Animal);

// now, create instances var rover = Animal('Rover', 'Dog', 'Woof!'); var max = Animal('Max', 'Cat', 'Meow!');

// then, call the save() function on each to commit to database rover.save() // executes INSERT SQL max.save() // executes INSERT SQL