Home > ros-presenter


Ros-presenter is a project mainly written in C++ and C, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

ROS Node for Slide Presentations

presenter: ROS Node for Slide Presentations

This ROS package provides a node that can display PDF slides using Xpdf. It can show and hide a fullscreen presentation window, jump to specific slides or simply go forward and backward.

It's a very simple version at the moment and unsafe! There are no check whatsoever performed on the files which should be opened. So do not expose this on an network that is not trustworthy, especially remember the security track record of Xpdf.

Patches which add some sort of security precautions are gladly accepted. As are patches which add other any other useful kind of presentation media. If you want to work on that, please let me know to avoid double work. Ideas are:

  • Add GStreamer support for video/pictures/sound
  • Use poppler als alternative to Xpdf


The following software packages are needed on your system in order to use actionlib_lua. Requirements marked with (*) have specific information further down below.

  • ROS 1.1 http://www.ros.org
  • Xpdf 3.02 http://www.foolabs.com/xpdf/


First, you need to run the ROS node by executing bin/presenter. Then presenter can be instructed like this:

Show PDF (opens window, file must exist on machineros presenter is running): rosservice /presenter/load some_file.pdf

Goto next slide: rosservice /presenter/page/next

Goto previous slide: rosservice /presenter/page/prev

Goto slide N: rosservice /presenter/page/goto N

Hide window: rosservice /presenter/hide
