Home > rotate.vim


Rotate.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

This file enables Vim to rotate text (counter) clockwise, put it upside down,etc

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1186

This script enables Vim to do things like rotate text (counter) clockwise (l/r), put it upside down (u), exchange lines and columns (x), reorder it from right to left (h) or from bottom to top (v). The command :Rot [arg] allows a range in which this will be done. If no range is specified the current line is taken. The optional argument (in parenthesis) specifies which operation is performed. If none is given, lines and columns are exchanged. The command :Rotv [arg] operates on the last visual area and is good for use in Visual mode. The corresponding commands :Srot [arg] and :Srotv [arg] open the result in a new window. Any comments are welcome.
