Home > rspec_outlines


Rspec_outlines is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Cucumber-style scenario outlines for RSpec.

RSpec Outlines

Cuke-style scenario outlines for RSpec.


describe User do
  outline "should validate correctly" do
    @user = Factory(:user, name => value)
    @user.errors[name].should == message

  fields :name    , :value, :message
  values :name    , ""    , "name is required"
  values :password, ""    , "password is required"
  values :password, "hi"  , "password too weak"

This defines 3 examples. Each one consists of the block given to outline, with name and value set to the values given in the table below it.


As in the example above, use outline to define a spec outline, fields to declare the variables, and values to create an example with the given values bound to those variables.

There are also some tricks you can play with outline.

Substitutions in example descriptions

Use :foo in the description of an outline to substitute the value foo from the table:

outline ":a + :b + :c should be :result" do
  (a + b + c).should == result

This will produce names like:

2 + 3 + 5 should be 10

This lets you keep your spec names descriptive and unique. You may also delimit the field name in braces if you want to append something to a value. Example:

outline ":{controller_name}Controller works correctly"

Might produce names like:

UsersController works correctly

You can also interpolate a 1-based index using :#. Example:

outline "should work (:#)" do

Will produce names:

should work (1)
should work (2)
should work (3)

Useful when you just want to keep your spec names distinct, but don't care enough to name them perfectly.

If your name does not contain any interpolations, RSpec Outlines will automatically append " (:#)" to your outline name.

Multiple examples per outline

If you omit the string argument to outline, the block will be evaluated at the example group level.

describe "Adding or multiplying two numbers" do
  outline do
    it "should return the sum"
      (a + b).should == sum

    it "should return the product"
      (a * b).should == product

  fields :a, :b, :sum, :product
  values  1,  1,    2,        1
  values -1, -2,   -3,        2
  values -1,  1,    0,       -1

This lets you define multiple specs inside the block, or use more elaborate logic to compute the spec descriptions.


  • Bug reports
  • Source
  • Patches: Fork on Github, send pull request.
    • Include tests where practical.
    • Leave the version alone, or bump it in a separate commit.


Copyright (c) George Ogata. See LICENSE for details.
