Home > rspec-sunspot-conflict


Rspec-sunspot-conflict is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

example of rspec-sunsport conflict

== Conflict with RSpec Rails and Sunspot Gems

I am getting an error in vendor/gems/sunspot_rails-1.1.0/lib/sunspot/rails/request_lifecycle.rb:13

[base].concat(base.subclasses.map { |subclass| subclass.constantize }) is calling constantize on each ActionController::Base subclass which my puts line lists as:

--- loading ["ActionView::TestCase::TestController", "ApplicationController", "#", "Spec::Rails::Example::ViewExampleGroupController", "Spec::Rails::Example::HelperExampleGroupController"] rake aborted! wrong constant name #

Somewhere RSpec::Rails is adding an object as a subclass of ActionController .... which I am not sure where/why etc etc .... I need more ruby-fu

I guess arguably, sunspot perhaps needs to test further what it is assuming ????
