Home > RST-Tables


RST-Tables is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Allows to create and edit restructuredText tables easily

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3041

This plugin allows to create and edit restructuredText tables easily.

Its adds two new commands:

,,c  ->  Creates a new restructuredText table.
,,f  ->  Fix table columns in a table.

For example, if you have a paragraph with data like this:

nombre      apellido    edad
pepe        zarate      28
toto        garcia      29

you can press ",,c" to create a simple table:

| nombre | apellido | edad |
| pepe   | zarate   | 28   |
| toto   | garcia   | 29   |

Now, if you change the table content, for example adding characters to the first content row.

| nombre | apellido | edad |
| Un nombre muy largo que rompe la tabla   | zarate   | 28   |
| toto   | un appellido largo...   | 29   |

you need to fix the columns widths. So, press ",,f" and you will gets:

| nombre                                 | apellido              | edad |
| Un nombre muy largo que rompe la tabla | zarate                | 28   |
| toto                                   | un appellido largo... | 29   |