Home > rsync-tmbundle


Rsync-tmbundle is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

NO LONGER MAINTAINED - rsync TextMate bundle

rsync TextMate bundle

Use this bundle to rsync your project directory with a remote host. Invoke via ⌃+⌘+r


% git clone git://github.com/itspriddle/rsync-tmbundle.git ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/rsync.tmbundle
% osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to reload bundles'


Set configuration variables in Bundles > rsync > Configuration.

Optionally, you can add the following variables to your TM project (or they can be set globally):

  The FULL system path to the remote directory to rsync to

$SSH_HOST (Required)
  The IP/hostname of the server you are rsyncing to

$SSH_KEY (Optional)
  The FULL system path to your public SSH key (eg:
  /Users/priddle/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.). If passed, rsync is run with
  `-i $SSH_KEY`

$SSH_USER (Optional)
  The username on the remove server. If not specified, ssh uses the
  local system's current user.

  Any extra options to pass to rsync, such as --dry-run or --delete

  The FULL system path to an rsync exclude file if you wish to use one
  OR a path relative to your TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY


Add --dry-run to rsync Options to run in testing mode.
