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Rtopia is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

provides a generic RTopia::R


A very simple, but useful route generation helper for use anytime, anywhere. See documentation at http://labs.sinefunc.com/rtopia/doc.


It checks for a to_param, and if Ruby1.9 or greater is used, checks for an id. Last fallback uses to_s.


include Rtopia

R(:items) # => /items

# this appears to be redundant, take it with a grain of salt
# although it would probably be used for consistency's sake
R('/') # => '/'

@person = Person.new # has a to_param of john-doe
R(@person) # => '/john-doe'
R(@person, :posts) # => '/john-doe/posts'
R(@person, :posts, :replied) # => '/john-doe/posts/replied'

@entry = Entry.create # has an id of 1001 for example
R(@entry) # => '/1001'
R(:entry, @entry) # => '/entry/1001'