Home > musicbox


Musicbox is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

workshop and fun experiment to access SAPO's MusicBox service as an API

h1. MusicBox

this project is a fun experiment to pragmatically use SAPO's MusicBox service as an API.

it is utterly incomplete, and only serves as a proof of concept

h2. Requirements

If you want to run the PoC, you'll need:

  • ruby

  • bundler (gem install bundler)

  • thrift (optional, if you want to generate other language bindings)

h2. howto

there is a file @client.rb@ on this project that will play a track I like on the CLI

mplayer (@brew install mplayer@, you are using homebrew on OS X, right?) is required if you want to directly ear the track on the console. otherwise, you must copy the provided URL to a player like VLC or similar.

$ bundle (first time only, installs dependencies)
$ ruby client.rb your_musicbox_username your_musicbox_password

h2. further work

I'm happy enough with the progress :) but feel free to enhance the thrift api description :D

I'm not going to explore this a lot more, because I've got a feeling that an official API is near...
